
Quitting Smoking with Hypnotherapy

Quitting Smoking with Hypnotherapy

Quitting smoking is one of the most beneficial actions you can take for your health. Nicotine addiction is a formidable challenge, but hypnotherapy offers a promising method to help you overcome it. This article provides a detailed exploration of how hypnotherapy can...

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Using Hypnotherapy as a Treatment For OCD

Using Hypnotherapy as a Treatment For OCD

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a chronic and often debilitating condition characterised by uncontrollable, recurring obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours that a person feels compelled to repeat. While traditional treatments like Cognitive Behavioural...

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Enhancing Sports Performance with Hypnosis

Enhancing Sports Performance with Hypnosis

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy can enhance your athletic performance by working with your mind to overcome mental blocks and unlock your potential. Discover practical techniques athletes use to achieve success in their sports and the benefits of using sports hypnosis for...

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Hypnotherapy for Managing Anger

Hypnotherapy for Managing Anger

Hypnotherapy is a proven method for managing anger by addressing its root causes. Anger is a natural human emotion, but can cause problems when it is not managed effectively. Hypnotherapy delves into subconscious triggers and provides tools to improve our responses to...

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What Happens in Hypnotherapy

What Happens in Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is often misunderstood, with many associating it with the stage hypnosis seen in entertainment. However, clinical hypnotherapy is a legitimate therapeutic technique performed by licensed professionals. It combines traditional talk therapy with therapeutic...

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Benefits of Hypnotherapy for IBS Sufferers

Benefits of Hypnotherapy for IBS Sufferers

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) affects a significant portion of the population, presenting symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, and irregular bowel movements, which can severely impact a person’s quality of life. Hypnotherapy offers a promising solution by...

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Hypnosis and Smoking Cessation

Hypnosis and Smoking Cessation

Hypnosis offers a promising alternative to traditional smoking cessation methods, leveraging psychological techniques to break the nicotine addiction cycle. Through tailored sessions, delivered by a qualified and experienced hypnotherapist, hypnotherapy can address...

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How Hypnotherapy Can Help with Asthma

How Hypnotherapy Can Help with Asthma

How Hypnotherapy Can Help with Asthma Asthma, a condition that affects millions, can often feel like a constant struggle for breath, a battle against one's own body. Yet, amidst traditional treatments and management plans, hypnotherapy emerges as a unique and powerful...

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Can Hypnosis Help with Migraines

Can Hypnosis Help with Migraines

Migraines are more than just a headache; they are a complex neurological condition that can disrupt your daily life. While traditional medicine offers various treatments, many are turning to hypnotherapy as a potential solution. Hypnosis targets the mind-body...

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Condition Sometimes Treated by Hypnosis

Condition Sometimes Treated by Hypnosis

London, a bustling metropolis known for its cutting-edge health services, stands at the forefront of integrating hypnotherapy and neurolinguistic programming into therapeutic practices aimed at empowering individuals. From anxiety disorders to chronic pain and from...

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Welcome to Our New Website

Welcome to Our New Website

Greetings! It's with immense pleasure that I introduce our newly launched website for London Hypnotherapy & NLP. My name is DR MKA BUX (Kamal), and I bring over 25 years of dedicated experience in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Counselling, and Stress...

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