Hypnotherapy for OCD

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a complex and often misunderstood condition characterised by intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviours (compulsions). We designed Our Hypnotherapy for OCD service to provide a supportive, practical pathway towards managing and overcoming these challenges. Our trained hypnotherapist recognises the unique nature of OCD and tailor our approach to each individual’s specific needs.

Utilising Clinical Hypnotherapy, we delve into the subconscious mind, addressing the root causes of obsessive thoughts and compulsive actions. This method goes beyond surface symptoms, targeting the underlying psychological patterns that fuel OCD. Through guided imagery and suggestive techniques, we help reframe obsessive thoughts and reduce the urge to perform compulsive behaviours.


Common OCD-Related Issues We Address:

  1. Recurrent, intrusive thoughts or obsessions causing significant distress.
  2. Compulsive behaviours or rituals to alleviate anxiety from obsessions.
  3. Excessive concern with order, symmetry, or exactness.
  4. Persistent fears about contamination, dirt, or germs.
  5. Intrusive thoughts involving harm to self or others.
  6. Excessive double-checking of things, such as locks, appliances, and switches.
  7. Unreasonable fear of discarding items, leading to hoarding.
  8. Compulsive need for reassurance or approval.
  9. Spending excessive time on rituals significantly impacts daily life.
  10. Avoidance of situations that trigger obsessions or compulsions.
Our approach is grounded in empathy and understanding, offering a safe space for clients to explore and confront their OCD. We aim to empower individuals with tools and strategies to regain control over their thoughts and actions, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

How Hypnosis Eliminates These Issues

Hypnosis offers effective solutions to alleviate the symptoms of OCD:

Managing Intrusive Thoughts

It helps reframe and manage recurrent, intrusive thoughts, reducing their distressing impact.

Altering Compulsive Behaviours

Hypnosis for OCD targets the subconscious drivers of compulsive behaviours, reducing the need to perform these rituals.

Easing Concerns About Order and Symmetry

It fosters a more flexible mindset, diminishing excessive concerns about order, symmetry, or exactness.

Reducing Contamination Fears

Hypnosis helps address and alleviate deep-seated fears about contamination, dirt, or germs.

Transforming Harm-Related Intrusive Thoughts

It provides strategies to manage and reduce intrusive thoughts involving harm, enhancing mental peace.

Limiting Excessive Checking

Hypnotherapy breaks the cycle of excessive double-checking, promoting trust in one’s actions and decisions.

Overcoming Hoarding Behaviours

It assists in addressing the fear of discarding items, aiding in reducing hoarding tendencies.

Reducing Need for Reassurance

Hypnosis helps build self-confidence and independence, lessening the compulsive need for reassurance or approval.

Optimising Time Spent on Rituals

It reduces the time spent on compulsive rituals, thereby minimising their impact on daily life.

Facing Trigger Situations

Hypnosis encourages meeting and managing situations that trigger obsessions or compulsions rather than avoiding them.
Through these approaches, hypnosis plays a significant role in diminishing the symptoms of OCD, paving the way for a more controlled and fulfilling life free from compulsions and obsessions.

Tailoring Treatments to Ease the Symptoms of OCD

In addressing OCD, we integrate a combination of Clinical Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Counselling, NLP, and Psychology, each contributing to a comprehensive treatment plan:

Clinical Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis utilises the power of suggestion in a trance-like state to access and reprogram the subconscious mind, targeting the root causes of OCD. This method helps in altering obsessive thought patterns and reducing the urge for compulsive behaviours.


Involves exploring and understanding the underlying emotional triggers and past experiences that fuel OCD behaviours, providing a deeper insight into the condition and aiding in its management.


Offers a supportive environment where individuals can discuss their OCD symptoms openly. This facilitates the development of coping strategies and ways to handle OCD triggers more effectively.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Employs techniques to change negative thought processes and behaviours associated with OCD, fostering a more positive and rational approach to intrusive thoughts and compulsions.


Applies evidence-based cognitive-behavioural strategies to manage OCD symptoms. This includes techniques for stress reduction, improving impulse control, and breaking the cycle of obsessive thoughts and compulsive actions.

Through these integrated methods, we offer a holistic and personalised approach to OCD treatment, helping individuals regain control and lead a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Understanding Hypnotherapy Fees and Session Requirements

Our Hypnotherapy for OCD offers effective treatment with a clear and transparent fee structure:

Fee Per Session: Each one-hour hypnotherapy session is priced at £190.

The number of sessions required for effective results from OCD Hypnotherapy can vary based on the individual’s specific needs, the severity of their condition, and their response to the therapy. Some clients may experience noticeable improvements within a few sessions, while others might need a more extended series to address deeper-rooted compulsions and obsessive thoughts. Our approach is tailored to provide each client with the necessary time and support to achieve significant, lasting changes in managing their OCD symptoms.

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