Insomnia Hypnotherapy

Insomnia, a common sleep disorder, can significantly impact one’s health and well-being. It often manifests as difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early. Our Insomnia Hypnotherapy service in London addresses these sleep disturbances through the power of the subconscious mind. Recognising that insomnia can be associated with stress, anxiety, and lifestyle factors, we tailor our approach to each individual’s unique circumstances.

Through Clinical Hypnotherapy, we aim to induce a state of deep relaxation, facilitating the natural sleep process. Our sessions focus on identifying and modifying subconscious thought patterns contributing to sleeplessness. We work towards establishing healthier sleep habits and routines by addressing underlying issues such as anxiety, stress, or habitual thought patterns.


Common Insomnia-Related Issues We Address:

  1. Difficulty falling asleep despite feeling tired.
  2. I wake up frequently at night and struggle to go back to sleep.
  3. I woke up too early in the morning and could not sleep again.
  4. Feeling unrefreshed or tired upon waking in the morning.
  5. Reliance on sleeping pills or medication to fall asleep.
  6. Anxiety or stress about sleep leads to a cycle of sleeplessness.
  7. Racing thoughts or an overactive mind when trying to sleep.
  8. Lack of sleep impacts mood, concentration, and overall daily functioning.
  9. Irritability or mood swings associated with sleep deprivation.
  10. Physical symptoms such as headaches or gastrointestinal symptoms linked to poor sleep.

Our therapy goes beyond temporary relief, aiming to equip you with long-term strategies for improved sleep. We incorporate techniques to calm the mind, reduce nighttime anxiety, and create a conducive sleep environment both mentally and physically.

How Hypnosis Eliminates Problems Around Sleeplessness

Hypnosis offers practical solutions to various sleep-related challenges:

Easing Difficulty in Falling Asleep

Hypnotherapy promotes relaxation, helping to quieten the mind and make it easier to drift off to sleep despite feelings of tiredness.

Reducing Night-time Awakenings

It aids in maintaining a deeper, more restful sleep, minimising the frequency of waking up during the night and improving the ability to return to sleep.

Addressing Early Morning Waking

Hypnosis regulates sleep patterns, reducing waking up too early and facilitating a fuller night’s rest.

Improving Sleep Quality

It enhances the overall quality of sleep, ensuring you wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Decreasing Reliance on Sleep Medication

Hypnotherapy offers a natural alternative to sleeping pills, helping to foster natural sleep without dependence on medication.

Managing Sleep-Related Anxiety and Stress

It addresses the anxiety or stress that disrupts sleep, breaking the cycle of sleeplessness and creating a more relaxed mindset at bedtime.

Calming Racing Thoughts

Hypnosis helps calm an overactive mind, allowing for a peaceful transition into sleep.

Enhancing Mood and Concentration

Improving sleep positively impacts mood, concentration, and daily functioning.

Reducing Irritability and Mood Swings

Better sleep improves emotional regulation, decreasing irritability and mood swings associated with sleep deprivation.

Alleviating Physical Symptoms

Improved sleep can help relieve symptoms of poor sleep, such as headaches or gastrointestinal issues.

Through these targeted approaches, hypnosis provides a comprehensive solution for overcoming sleeplessness and improving sleep health and overall well-being.

Book Your Hypnotherapy Consultation

Uncover how we can empower you to live the life you truly deserve.

Integrated Therapeutic Approach for Management of Low-Quality Sleep

In addressing insomnia, our approach combines Clinical Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Counselling, NLP, and Psychology:

Clinical Hypnotherapy

We use hypnotherapy to induce a relaxed state, making it easier to address the subconscious patterns contributing to insomnia. This method helps in altering sleep-disruptive thought processes and promoting healthier sleep habits.


Exploring underlying emotional and psychological issues that may impact sleep, such as stress, anxiety, or past traumas, and developing strategies to manage these factors effectively.


Providing a supportive environment to discuss sleep-related concerns and challenges. Counselling aids in understanding the impact of lifestyle, habits, and routines on sleep patterns and developing practical solutions.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Utilising Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques to change negative thought patterns and behaviours around sleep, fostering a more positive and conducive mindset for restful sleep.


Incorporating cognitive-behavioural coaching strategies to manage the symptoms of insomnia. This includes relaxation training, stress reduction techniques, and sleep hygiene education.

By combining these methodologies, we offer a holistic and tailored approach to insomnia treatment, focusing on reducing the symptoms and enhancing overall sleep quality for improved health and well-being.

Session Fees and Duration for Insomnia Hypnosis Treatments

Our Insomnia Hypnotherapy is priced with clarity and transparency to support your journey to better sleep:

Fee Per Session: Each one-hour session is offered for £190.

The number of sessions required to manage and overcome insomnia effectively can vary based on individual circumstances. This includes the severity of insomnia, personal sleep patterns, and how an individual responds to hypnotherapy. While some clients may experience significant improvements in their sleep quality within a few sessions, others might require a more extended series of treatments to address deeper-rooted sleep issues fully.

Sessions are available either face to face at our clinic in Harley Street, London. Alternatively, we can also arrange sessions remotely online.

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